Harry Vardon, Bobby Jones, Sam Snead, Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson and many other terrific competitive golfers all used a fundamental that is rarely seen today and almost never taught. It is a simple and yet definite movement that allows the player to prepare for and adjust to each and every shot that he will be presented. I strongly recommend that you consider adding it to your game.

The bridge between the starting position and the beginning of the loading motion is the waggle. Few players today take full advantage of the benefits of a properly done waggle. Almost every great ball striker I have ever seen has waggled the club, and you guessed it, the guy who hit it the best, Ben Hogan, had the most purposeful in the history of the game.

To waggle the club properly, firstly it must be understood that the movement is not exactly the same from shot the shot. It is similar, to be sure, but the educated eye can tell whether the golfer is going to hit a draw or fade, high or low, or hard or soft shot. The speed and rhythm of the waggle matches the speed and rhythm that will be used to hit the shot. Of course, this awareness comes from the visualization and feelmagery in the pre swing routine. Sure, the movement relaxes the muscles in the hands and arms, but it does much more than that. The movement tunes up and tones up the muscles that will be used during the swing and gives them a great idea of the pace at which the movement of the swing will take place.

I find it best to hold the club above the ball a bit to make the back waggle and then let the club come back a bit below that in the forward waggle. During the back waggle, the shaft moves on the same angle established at address. You should motivate the club with the hands, (allow the left hand to control this motion while the right hand helps) keeping the left arm in the same space as at address and the right arm bending a bit at the elbow. The right elbow bends to the degree that it touches the inside of the right hip, about where the old watch pocket used to be. The lower body picks up on the rhythm of the club and reacts in concert to anticipate the unified and coordinated movement of the entire body. In the forward waggle, the entire shaft and movement of the club moves on a slightly flatter plane and more from the inside as compared to the back waggle. This matches the change of plane and path from the backswing and forward swing. Certainly, the clubface returns back to the ball squarely or as appropriate for the desired result.

Done properly, the waggle allows the player to rehearse the swing he is about to use and is a critical bridge between the starting position and the beginning of the swing. From my own personal experience with the waggle, it is the one thing that allowed me to move from an accomplished amateur golfer to that of a successful professional. The main reason is that it allowed me to prepare for each shot as it came to me and allowed me to feel like I had already hit the shot before I had swung. I hope that you take full advantage of it.


